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De EFVV (European Forum in Vaccine Vigilance ( heeft een petitie gelanceerd.

De EFVV (European Forum in Vaccine Vigilance ( heeft een petitie gelanceerd. Dit Europese Forum voor Vaccinatie Waakzaamheid vertegenwoordigt 20 landen, waaronder Nederland.
De titel van de petitie luidt: ‘Respect, promote and protect the freedom of informed vaccination consent throughout Europe.’

Met deze petitie wil de EFVV het onderwerp van vrijwillige, geïnformeerde vaccinatie en vaccinatieschade op de agenda in Brussel krijgen. De petitie roept op tot:

  1. Afschaffing van verplichte vaccinatie;
  2. Eén gezamenlijk Europees vaccinatiebeleid;
  3. Gebaseerd op vrijheid en een geïnformeerde keuze met consent;
  4. Een onafhankelijke Europese afdeling Vaccinatiewaakzaamheid, waar vaccinatieschade (Vaccine Adverse Effects, VAEs) kan worden gerapporteerd om zo het aantal en de ernst van alle voorkomende vaccinatieschade in Europa inzichtelijk te krijgen.

Tekent u deze petitie alstublieft en verspreidt deze naar zoveel mogelijk vrienden en kennissen. Veel dank daarvoor!

Met hartelijke groet,
Het bestuur van de NVKP

Hieronder vindt u deze oproep in een uitvoerige Engelse versie.
Dear Friends and EFVV Partners in Europe,

I am the UK representative and co-secretary for the EFVV - European Forum in Vaccine Vigilance (
We are group representing some 20 European countries (both EU member states and non-EU members).  Please take some time to check our website for your correct information under 'Organisations' to ensure we have an accurate and up to date list.

The main reason for contacting you urgently is that we have just launched a Petition entitled

'Respect, promote and protect freedom of informed vaccination consent throughout Europe

to coincide with the 10th Anniversary of the WHO European Immunisation Week 20-25th April. The EFVV are making a counter action to their celebrations!  It will be for this reason that the media may show an interest because it is a news item so if you can share with the media, as soon as possible, that would be wonderful.

One million signatures from at least seven EU countries should bring a debate in Brussels, although we have a long way to go.  We need to present our work via different channels, but this petition is a great start in spreading awareness.   
We have spent a year collecting references for the legal and ethical arguments, contained in the petition, which should be very helpful for anyone working in the area of informed vaccine choice and awareness. We also have a wonderful press release with quotes from EFVV members, campaigners, lawyers and medics all supporting our aim.

So we need you all to share this petition to keep it alive. Will you help us?
Each share can generate a further 1-100 + new signatures. Here are a few different ways.

  1. Share the EFVV website which links to the petition clearly on the home page
  2. Share the link from the site
  4. Share on your FB pages and groups or with your personal email contacts
  5. Post a link on your blog or website to using our logo attached
  6. Send a newsletter to your members and ask them to share the petition
  7. Tweet the petition to your followers, as well as health journalists, using the link which is shorter
  8. Email the attached press release, with a summary in your language or translate the whole text if you can, to the media
  9. Call a few members of the press, after sending the information, to check they have received it.

PLEASE contact me if there is any further information that you need or indeed if you have anything to share with us.  We always welcome new members to join us ~ this year's AGM and conference is near Vienna 23-25th October and is being organised by Claudia:

So thank you for reading and we look forward to boosting signatories all over Europe, and keeping the trend of 1,000 a day in the first 2 days!

All the very best,
Anna Watson

Press Release:
Why mandatory vaccine policies in Europe need challenging during the 10th anniversary of the WHO's European Immunisation Week       21.4.15
It is the 10th anniversary of the WHO's European Immunisation Week: 'Protect. Prevent. Immunise.' But alongside this strong public health message, a petition is being launched by a group representing 20 European countries (most EU members, some not) asking that vaccine policy be harmonised to support informed choice and set up a better vaccine surveillance system.
EFVV is sending a letter to the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union via asking them to ‘Respect, promote and protect freedom of informed vaccination consent throughout Europe’.
Dr Kris Glaublomme, Belgian chair of the EFVV (European Forum Vaccine Vigilance) says that it is ludicrous that Belgium mandates the Polio vaccine. 'Yes Polio! Did you know we have Polio in Belgium? Parents face prison if they don't comply. So I have been supporting my patients in legal battles that should never have been bought before a court.'
'If European countries have different policies, where is the science? It clearly is down to political ideology and different interpretation of the vaccine efficacy data, or even down to commercial lobbying', suggests Anna Watson, EFVV co-Secretary and UK campaigner. 'Mandatory vaccination is not necessary to achieve the WHO recommended vaccination uptake levels, as evidenced by regions with freedom of choice like Scotland which has a 97% vaccine coverage.'

'As far as we can see, mandating vaccination challenges human rights! We feel it is not a good policy for ensuring responsible choice: we are citizens in democratic countries, and we want to be treated that way!' says Gabriela Rodriguez Fernandez, Spanish lawyer. ‘In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that 'Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe’. Vaccines therefore come with uncertain levels of risk of harm so the Precautionary Principle must apply. There are clauses in the German Criminal Code which also support this.'

'Just because you enjoy freedom to choose in the UK you mustn't be complacent', states Dragana Tomotic, a campaigner in Serbia. 'There is concerning discussion to mandate more and more vaccines worldwide. For example in my country our recent demonstration fell upon deaf ears so we still have mandatory vaccination of all childhood vaccines and children can be removed if the parents can't pay a fine equivalent to a month's wages. If you value liberty and object to forced medicines, then you must sign this petition, whatever your country's current policy.'
Primož Verbič, a campaigner in Slovenia, totally agrees and adds: 'Vaccines can cause very serious side effects and that's a fact, which is also the reason why vaccination should never be mandatory as it is in my country. Slovenian physicians and our Ministry of Health systematically reject any recognition of vaccine injury, let alone compensation, so the parents take on the responsibility of risk to their children without their consent.  Besides, vaccination does not provide good protection against infectious disease. So why don't we have the right to take care of our children in our own best way?'
Xavier Uriarte, MD, Spanish founding member of the EFVV in 1999 is sure 'At the very least there must be a proactive surveillance and reporting system but that doesn't exist in many EU countries. independent European Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting (VAER) system be established to monitor vaccine safety.'
Dr Françoise Berthoud, a retired Swiss homeopathic paediatrician and author continues, 'This is vital as no significant research has yet been done to compare the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children, meaning that the benefits and risks cannot be fully assessed. On the other hand, many observations on tens of thousands of children show that the unvaccinated are in better health than the vaccinated."
MD Ludmila Eleková is concerned that mandating medicine disturbs the relationship of trust between many people and their doctors. 'There is a widening movement in the Czech Republic wanting to change mandatory vaccinations. More and more parents, scientists and doctors are worried about the one size fits all mandate.'

Osteopath Christof Plothe says that in some parts of Germany the measles vaccine uptake is less than WHO recommended levels but outbreaks of disease are low. On the other had we have countries like China with almost 100% measles vaccine rate which regularly has large outbreaks of measles.  In fact the boy from Berlin who tragically died recently from measles had the MMR 10 days before his infection so his disease may have been due to the live measles virus in the vaccine, or to the fact that he is a non-responder. The vaccine virus is often reported to be the cause of measles outbreaks and even severe complications which should also be included in the discussion'.
Helen Kimball-Brooke, UK homeopath and co-Secretary of EFVV concludes: 'Autoimmune diseases, chronic illness and ASD are on the rise.  They have overtaken infectious diseases and there is no conclusive evidence that vaccination does not at least play a part in that. Look to the US for example. They have the highest number of vaccines and uptake but also the highest level of child mortality of all industrialised countries. 

Even the pro-vaccination populations need to be active in this debate, as with more countries mandating vaccination, the question is what pharmaceutical product may be mandated next?’
The EFVV is asking that Europeans sign a petition for Freedom of Informed Vaccination Consent, so this issue will be discussed in Brussels. They are also calling for an independent vaccino-vigilance unit to be established where Vaccine Adverse Effects (VAEs) will be reported and the number and severity of VAEs in Europe will be easily accessible to all.  Anna Watson 0044 7760 277165